David Ricardo

美 [ˈdeɪvɪd rɪˈkɑrdoʊ]英 [ˈdeɪvɪd rɪˈkɑːdəʊ]
  • 网络大卫·李嘉图;大卫 李嘉图;李嘉图;大卫李嘉图;大卫•李嘉图
David RicardoDavid Ricardo
  1. Karl Marx 's appraisal on David Ricardo 's " Doctrine of Comparative Cost "


  2. Since David Ricardo set up the theory of comparative advantage , subsequent scholars have been devoting their attention to the factors that decide and affect comparative advantage .


  3. The Thought of David Ricardo on the War Expenditure


  4. In1817 , David ricardo 's comparative advantages theory enrichedthe free trade theory .


  5. The underlying theory was developed at the beginning of the 19th century by the highly respectable David Ricardo .


  6. In the early 19th century , David Ricardo put forward comparative cost theory and his most important contribution was the theory of comparative advantage .


  7. David Ricardo : A Centenary Estimate Subsequent writers extended Ricardo 's analysis in a number of directions .


  8. This simple example is derived from an economic law discovered by David Ricardo that has always fascinated me , called the law of comparative advantage .


  9. This model begins with the entrepreneur diligence and the suggestion of venture capital companies , constructs two-period enterprise life cycle mode on the foundation of David Ricardo production model .


  10. The earliest agricultural growth theory by David Ricardo · proposed by the classical theory of dynamic growth in agriculture , stressed that the accumulation of capital in agriculture decisive role in economic growth .


  11. When We Study the Impact of Premium Bonds upon Economy , We often Take David Ricardo ′ s Equal Value Theoremas the Point of Departure for Analysing the Above Problems .


  12. There are two classical expositions about the economic utility of bonds : David Ricardo 's " theorem of equal value " and Keynes ' view of bonds increasing general demands .


  13. This worked fine when economist David Ricardo was alive : 200 years ago Portugal was trading wine " made in Portugal " for English textile " made in England " .


  14. After Adam Smith , David Ricardo replaced the absolute cost rule with the relative cost rule , as made the theory of free trade more adaptive to the general conditions and more universal .


  15. The concept is generally attributed to the English economist David Ricardo , but the idea was set out 50 years earlier by a Scottish gentleman farmer and scholar , James Anderson .


  16. Falling transport costs in the 18th and 19th centuries enabled Britain and Portugal to trade wool and port ( as the political economist David Ricardo memorably pointed out ) .


  17. The theory of economic growth is the theoretical reflection of socioeconomic development , which dates back to the classical economic school represented by Adam Smith and David Ricardo , which was popular after World War II .


  18. In 1662 , William Petty said that " Land is mother of wealth ; labor is father of wealth and passive factor " . David Ricardo pointed out that land was the key to value theory .


  19. This paper , first of all , systematically explores the historic development of the value price theory , including the theory of Adam Smith , David Ricardo , Marx , B ǒ hm - B · werk and Marshal .


  20. The starting point of researching about modern monopoly is set by Cournot 's idea , brought out after David Ricardo , which conclude that monopoly is the deviation to the principle of the equilibrium between the marginal revenue and the marginal cost .


  21. Set up in Adams is dense " Absolute interests " On the foundation of the theory , David and Ricardo has proposed " comparative interests " Theory .
